Hey! I'm Lunaria!



After decades of pretending to be someone that I wasn’t to gain validation, acceptance and love; I’ve learnt the power of giving it to yourself.

I know what it feels like to be in your own way


I was there....

Just like you, I could feel my potential.

I always knew I was made for something bigger. I could feel it urging me on, yet I was in my own way.

My Story…..

The youngest of 5 and the only girl in my family, the unwritten rule was that women and girls “couldn’t and shouldn’t”.

Couldn’t do what the men could and shouldn’t shine. But by gosh I wanted to.

The world supported this notion. Time and again, the soap box I stood on became the box I was contained in when I returned to my “place”.

I was a good girl, people pleaser and life of the party. At least that’s who I trained myself to be. The act performed so well that even I believed it. 

Externally, the world saw me as confident, self assured and put together. Internally I was deeply unhappy. 

The true me was buried by countless layers of conditioning, programming and beliefs that I was not enough. 

I cut off my edges so the world would love me….

And not once did I feel worthy of that love, no matter what. I lost 20+ kgs over 5 times in the hope that the perfect body would have me feel “enough”. It didn’t.

Nor did the career, the partying, the money, the partner, the travel, the accolades, the promiscuity or the shame.

The hustle, the proving and the pushing only left me exhausted and still, not enough. 

In the end, it wasn’t the world's love I was looking for. 

I cut off my edges so the world would love me….

And not once did I feel worthy of that love, no matter what. I lost 20+ kgs over 5 times in the hope that the perfect body would have me feel “enough”. It didn’t.

Nor did the career, the partying, the money, the partner, the travel, the accolades, the promiscuity or the shame.

The hustle, the proving and the pushing only left me exhausted and still, not enough. 

In the end, it wasn’t the world's love I was looking for. 

I used to only dream…..

That I could be me. That I could feel enough, authentic, whole and truly confident and happy. I used to dream that the woman I felt bubbling deep inside me could come to the surface and bring to the world what I knew was within.

Well my new friend, it’s a pleasure to meet you in the truest version of me that has ever walked this earth. 

Perfectly imperfect, aligned, free to be me and share with you the power of letting go of all that you think you “should” be so that the real you can be revealed.

I used to only dream…..

That I could be me. That I could feel enough, authentic, whole and truly confident and happy. I used to dream that the woman I felt bubbling deep inside me could come to the surface and bring to the world what I knew was within.

Well my new friend, it’s a pleasure to meet you in the truest version of me that has ever walked this earth. 

Perfectly imperfect, aligned, free to be me and share with you the power of letting go of all that you think you “should” be so that the real you can be revealed.

There is nothing more powerful than lived experienced

When hanging out with me, you’ll soon notice that all of you is welcome. I’m here for the real, the true, the raw and the hard; not just for the light and the easy.

I know what it’s like to feel like an imposter in my own skin. I have traversed the darkest parts of myself and so the parts of you that you think are shameful, don’t scare me. I welcome them. 

I’m the original guinea pig here, if I haven’t walked it, lived it or tested it, I won't share it with you. 

From me, no matter how and where we are connected, through speaking, courses, coaching, content or books; you’ll get the real deal. 

Afterall, we are human. And the more that we can lean into our humanness, the more we can take the armour off and be our true selves. 

I’ve coupled my lived experience with over 13 years of NLP, Coaching, Group Work and Speaking to formulate my own set of tools, strategies, techniques and methodologies that work. 

Not just for some but for everyone who is willing to apply what they’ve learnt. 

There is nothing more powerful than lived experienced

When hanging out with me, you’ll soon notice that all of you is welcome. I’m here for the real, the true, the raw and the hard; not just for the light and the easy.

I know what it’s like to feel like an imposter in my own skin. I have traversed the darkest parts of myself and so the parts of you that you think are shameful, don’t scare me. I welcome them. 

I’m the original guinea pig here, if I haven’t walked it, lived it or tested it, I won't share it with you. 

From me, no matter how and where we are connected, through speaking, courses, coaching, content or books; you’ll get the real deal. 

Afterall, we are human. And the more that we can lean into our humanness, the more we can take the armour off and be our true selves. 

I’ve coupled my lived experience with over 13 years of NLP, Coaching, Group Work and Speaking to formulate my own set of tools, strategies, techniques and methodologies that work. 

Not just for some but for everyone who is willing to apply what they’ve learnt. 

It’s my belief that…


Everyone can learn how to be more confident, more authentic and more at ease with themselves


In fact, dare I say it; I believe it’s our duty to do so. When we have the courage to be our complete selves, we unconsciously give permission for others to do the same.

This world is saturated with fake, false and performance. Let’s elevate the real, raw and authentic.

It’s my belief that…


Everyone can learn how to be more confident, more authentic and more at ease with themselves


In fact, dare I say it; I believe it’s our duty to do so. When we have the courage to be our complete selves, we unconsciously give permission for others to do the same.

This world is saturated with fake, false and performance. Let’s elevate the real, raw and authentic.



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